Custom ROM Lenovo a369i :NITE OF XPERIA Lite 007 Mediatek Mt 6572
Custom ROM NITE OF XPERIA Lite 007 | Halo selamat berjumpa lagi bersama saya Om ngibad haha, panggil saja nama itu, tapi bukan berarti saya udah tua loh, enak di denger kalo ada yang manggil om haha. Oya seperti biasa saya akan update custom rom lenovo a369i buat sobat. Khusus kali ini buat row lite 007 ya, row yang dengan user masih sedikit. Ini ROM di port oleh Agan Banyu Firdaus
Oke langsung aja :
* Based on Pure Stock ROM
* Auto tinted status bar(system apps only) even without the use of 3rd party app
* Baseband Used ~ Evercross A7t
* Dolby Digital included in the ROM
* Dual 3g sim switch
* Font changed to sony sketch
* Launcher changed to Xperia launcher
* List View Animation
* Messaging app new ui
* Mixed Material & Xperia Mod
* Performance Booster added
* Retweaked for performance stability
* Settings New UI and been simplified for cleaner look
* SystemUI greatly improved...
* Xperia Apps included and are all functional
* Based on Pure Stock ROM
* Auto tinted status bar(system apps only) even without the use of 3rd party app
* Baseband Used ~ Evercross A7t
* Dolby Digital included in the ROM
* Dual 3g sim switch
* Font changed to sony sketch
* Launcher changed to Xperia launcher
* List View Animation
* Messaging app new ui
* Mixed Material & Xperia Mod
* Performance Booster added
* Retweaked for performance stability
* Settings New UI and been simplified for cleaner look
* SystemUI greatly improved...
* Xperia Apps included and are all functional
* Sebuah tutorial singkat tentang cara menggunakan rom untuk menghindari masalah di masa depan. ROM ini dilengkapi dengan AOKP Cuaca. Fitur ini memungkinkan Cuaca yang akan ditampilkan pada status bar. Sebelum menggunakan fitur ini pastikan Anda mengaktifkan lokasi acces dalam pengaturan dan Anda memiliki koneksi internet bekerja.
BUG: setiap awal selesai booting setting fc gpp ok aja itu ada smali yg belum di samakan
- Florejun Flores
- Underground Group
- Dhifaf
- To me also for making this ROM possible
Thank to:
- Ats Vutra
- Revan Ngibad
- Sie khodox
- Taofik hdyt
- All admin dan member lenovo a369i
- All admin dan member Cherry mobile
How to Install :
· Wipe data/factory Reset - ( ok )
· Wipe cahe partition – ( ok )
· Advanced – klik Wipe Dalvik Cahe.
· Go Back
Klik :
· Install zip from sdcard – ( ok )
· Choose zip from sdcard – ( ok )
· Taruh Zip rom di sdcard terluar, setelah ketemu di klik.. tunggu sampai proses install selesai.
klik wipe
- Klik Advanced Wipe
- centang Dalvik Cache
- cache
- data
- System
( Swipe to wipe )
- centang Dalvik Cache
- cache
- data
- System
( Swipe to wipe )
Setelah selesai kembali ke menu utama
pilih Install ROM (Letakan di SD CARD paling luar, jangan di dalam folder) tunggu hingga selesai.
wipe and format Options
factory Reset
wipe Cache
Wipe Dalvik/Art Cache
Install Custom rom
Install Custom rom
Reboot System
kayaknya gak gan .. kalo terpaksa bootlop iya ganti gan
ReplyDeletemakanya di coba dulu tanpa express port .. klao bootlop baru pkai express port